Ferret Time is published by Droitwich ferret welfare, a local registered charity that rescues and re-homes ferrets in Worcestershire and the surrounding area. They re-home over 200 ferrets every year and are soon to reach the 2000 mark. Their website also contains useful information for ferret owners on topics such as housing and exercise. For more information on Droitwich ferret welfare and the work that they do please visit their website http://www.droitwichferretwelfare.co.uk/
Ferret Time has been running for three years, and before it was established they were issuing a newsletter for six years. It is a triannual full colour magazine that typically includes content such as features on other welfare organisations, letters, fun articles and health notes. The May edition that is soon to be released will include a feature on the popular 'Fluffyferretforum', an article on scientists tuning into ferrets' thoughts and The ferret awards. To see if Ferret Time is the magazine for you, why not request a complimentary copy of the current edition, available via email in pdf format. You can also purchase a hard copy of the current edition for £2.50 or you can subscribe for a year and receive all three issues for just £5.99-Which is what I have done!
They have a spring/summer edition which is released in May, an autumn edition published in September and a winter edition that is published in January.
To request a pdf version, hard copy or to subscribe please go to http://www.ferrettime.co.uk/index.php/subscribe-to-ferret-time
Happy reading!
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